Nick searchy
Nick searchy

nick searchy

Searcy concluded, “They have now ruined the greatest country that has ever existed on the face of the Earth. Because I know this, and you will know it someday, sadly when it is too late, and you are struggling under a totalitarian regime: As I have said repeatedly, LEFTISTS RUIN EVERYTHING.” He reiterated, “And I will continue until I leave this earthly plain. I will not capitulate,” he adamantly stated.


I want to be one of the people who resisted the state, who stood up for free speech even when I disagreed with it, and who fought back even when all seemed lost. Because at the end of days do you want to be like the shitty forgotten Communist “artists” who toed the party line in Stalin’s Russia, or do you want to be an artist who stood up for the rights of the individual even if you cost you a medal from the tyrannical state?” I urge all artists out there to continue creating, even though all is lost. He then declared, “I will not stop playing music on the deck until the ship goes down. We who refuse to accept this, like me, are now just like the musicians on the decks of the Titanic, who chose to continue making music while the ship went down,” Searcy wrote. You have turned the only country in human history based on the individual into a totalitarian state based on the tyranny of the collective. Searcy went on, “ By installing Joe Biden, you “liberals” are the most illiberal people that have ever lived. You have destroyed the American dream, which boils down to self-determination,” he continued. “Think what we demand or be crushed.” Enjoy what you have achieved, leftists. The Shape of Water actor stated, “If your art, your poetry, your theatre, your writing, your very thoughts expressed on social media, do not align with the STATE-approved opinion, you must be cancelled, shunned, humiliated, suppressed, and vanquished.” They will continue until they have destroyed every vestige of individual achievement and every possibility for success outside of the almighty State - because individual liberty must be crushed for them to have collective power and control over every single aspect of your lives, from sports to concerts to plays and films and any form of entertainment.” They are still angry, hateful, bitter, and relentless. In the next part of the thread he wrote, “And, this is the most frightening aspect: They have ‘won’ - and they are still not satisfied. That is the nature of leftists, They are ruthless, unprincipled, and without conscience.” He added, “They don’t care who they have to ruin to gain power. The actor then stated, “Then think of the high school players whose seasons have been cancelled over this nonsensical political move by the Democrats to destroy their hopes and dreams because they wanted to get Trump removed.” Now consider why ANY young person would be inspired to become an elite athlete if no one can come see you play,” he continued. “Think of how these young athletes were cheated by not playing in a Duke v. They played the game of their dreams in an empty stadium.” Those players worked their asses off their whole lives to become D1 basketball players at the premiere programs in America. He began his thread writing, “I often say that leftists ruin everything. In a lengthy thread posted to Twitter, the Manhunt actor reacted to the NCAA basketball game between Duke University and the University of North Carolina that took place over the weekend. Justified actor Nick Searcy, who played Art Mullen, recently declared that leftists have ruined the United States of America.

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    Nick searchy